• Layer that computes a dot product between samples in two tensors.

    E.g., if applied to a list of two tensors a and b both of shape [batchSize, n], the output will be a tensor of shape [batchSize, 1], where each entry at index [i, 0] will be the dot product between a[i, :] and b[i, :].


    const dotLayer = tf.layers.dot({axes: -1});
    const x1 = tf.tensor2d([[10, 20], [30, 40]]);
    const x2 = tf.tensor2d([[-1, -2], [-3, -4]]);

    // Invoke the layer's apply() method in eager (imperative) mode.
    const y = dotLayer.apply([x1, x2]);


    • args: DotLayerArgs

    Returns Dot


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