Searches for where a value would go in a sorted sequence.
This is not a method for checking containment (like javascript in).
The typical use case for this operation is "binning", "bucketing", or
"discretizing". The values are assigned to bucket-indices based on the edges
listed in 'sortedSequence'. This operation returns the bucket-index for each
The index returned corresponds to the first edge greater than the value.
The axis is not settable for this operation. It always operates on the
innermost dimension (axis=-1). The operation will accept any number of outer
Note: This operation assumes that 'upperBound' is sorted along the
innermost axis, maybe using 'sort(..., axis=-1)'. If the sequence is not
sorted no error is raised and the content of the returned tensor is not well
An N-D int32 tensor the size of values containing the result of
applying upper bound to each value. The result is not a global index to
the entire Tensor, but the index in the last dimension.
Searches for where a value would go in a sorted sequence.
This is not a method for checking containment (like javascript in).
The typical use case for this operation is "binning", "bucketing", or "discretizing". The values are assigned to bucket-indices based on the edges listed in 'sortedSequence'. This operation returns the bucket-index for each value.
The index returned corresponds to the first edge greater than the value.
The axis is not settable for this operation. It always operates on the innermost dimension (axis=-1). The operation will accept any number of outer dimensions.
Note: This operation assumes that 'upperBound' is sorted along the innermost axis, maybe using 'sort(..., axis=-1)'. If the sequence is not sorted no error is raised and the content of the returned tensor is not well defined.