Represents a potentially large collection of delimited text records.

The produced TensorContainers each contain one key-value pair for every column of the table. When a field is empty in the incoming data, the resulting value is undefined, or throw error if it is required. Values that can be parsed as numbers are emitted as type number, other values are parsed as string.

The results are not batched.




  • Create a CSVDataset.


    • input: DataSource

      A DataSource providing a chunked, UTF8-encoded byte stream.

    • Optional csvConfig: CSVConfig

      (Optional) A CSVConfig object that contains configurations of reading and decoding from CSV file(s).

      hasHeader: (Optional) A boolean value that indicates whether the first
      row of provided CSV file is a header line with column names, and should
      not be included in the data. Defaults to `true`.

      columnNames: (Optional) A list of strings that corresponds to
      the CSV column names, in order. If provided, it ignores the column
      names inferred from the header row. If not provided, infers the column
      names from the first row of the records. If hasHeader is false and
      columnNames is not provided, this method throws an error.

      columnConfigs: (Optional) A dictionary whose key is column names, value
      is an object stating if this column is required, column's data type,
      default value, and if this column is label. If provided, keys must
      correspond to names provided in columnNames or inferred from the file
      header lines. If isLabel is true any column, returns an array of two
      items: the first item is a dict of features key/value pairs, the second
      item is a dict of labels key/value pairs. If no feature is marked as
      label, returns a dict of features only.

      configuredColumnsOnly (Optional) If true, only columns provided in
      columnConfigs will be parsed and provided during iteration.

      delimiter (Optional) The string used to parse each line of the input
      file. Defaults to `,`.

    Returns CSVDataset


  • Groups elements into batches.

    It is assumed that each of the incoming dataset elements has the same structure -- i.e. the same set of keys at each location in an object hierarchy. For each key, the resulting Dataset provides a batched element collecting all of the incoming values for that key.

    • Incoming primitives are grouped into a 1-D Tensor.
    • Incoming Tensors are grouped into a new Tensor where the 0th axis is the batch dimension.
    • Incoming arrays are converted to Tensor and then batched.
    • A nested array is interpreted as an n-D Tensor, so the batched result has n+1 dimensions.
    • An array that cannot be converted to Tensor produces an error.

    If an array should not be batched as a unit, it should first be converted to an object with integer keys.

    Here are a few examples:

    Batch a dataset of numbers:

    const a =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]).batch(4);
    await a.forEachAsync(e => e.print());

    Batch a dataset of arrays:

    const b =[[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]).batch(4);
    await b.forEachAsync(e => e.print());

    Batch a dataset of objects:

    const c =[{a: 1, b: 11}, {a: 2, b: 12}, {a: 3, b: 13},
    {a: 4, b: 14}, {a: 5, b: 15}, {a: 6, b: 16}, {a: 7, b: 17},
    {a: 8, b: 18}]).batch(4);
    await c.forEachAsync(e => {
    for(var key in e) {


    • batchSize: number

      The number of elements desired per batch.

    • Optional smallLastBatch: boolean

      Whether to emit the final batch when it has fewer than batchSize elements. Default true.

    Returns Dataset<TensorContainer>

    A Dataset, from which a stream of batches can be obtained.


  • Returns column names of the csv dataset. If configuredColumnsOnly is true, return column names in columnConfigs. If configuredColumnsOnly is false and columnNames is provided, columnNames. If configuredColumnsOnly is false and columnNames is not provided, return all column names parsed from the csv file. For example usage please go to

    Returns Promise<string[]>


  • Concatenates this Dataset with another.

    const a =[1, 2, 3]);
    const b =[4, 5, 6]);
    const c = a.concatenate(b);
    await c.forEachAsync(e => console.log(e));


    Returns Dataset<TensorContainer>

    A Dataset.


  • Filters this dataset according to predicate.

    const a =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
    .filter(x => x%2 === 0);
    await a.forEachAsync(e => console.log(e));


    • predicate: ((value) => boolean)

      A function mapping a dataset element to a boolean or a Promise for one.

    Returns Dataset<TensorContainer>

    A Dataset of elements for which the predicate was true.


  • Apply a function to every element of the dataset.

    After the function is applied to a dataset element, any Tensors contained within that element are disposed.

    const a =[1, 2, 3]);
    await a.forEachAsync(e => console.log(e));


    • f: ((input) => void)

      A function to apply to each dataset element.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A Promise that resolves after all elements have been processed.


  • Maps this dataset through a 1-to-1 transform.

    const a =[1, 2, 3]).map(x => x*x);
    await a.forEachAsync(e => console.log(e));

    Type Parameters


    • transform: ((value) => O)

      A function mapping a dataset element to a transformed dataset element.

    Returns Dataset<O>

    A Dataset of transformed elements.


  • Maps this dataset through an async 1-to-1 transform.

    const a =[1, 2, 3]).mapAsync(x => new Promise(function(resolve){
    setTimeout(() => {
    resolve(x * x);
    }, Math.random()*1000 + 500);
    console.log(await a.toArray());

    Type Parameters


    • transform: ((value) => Promise<O>)

      A function mapping a dataset element to a Promise for a transformed dataset element. This transform is responsible for disposing any intermediate Tensors, i.e. by wrapping its computation in tf.tidy(); that cannot be automated here (as it is in the synchronous map() case).

    Returns Dataset<O>

    A Dataset of transformed elements.


  • Creates a Dataset that prefetches elements from this dataset.


    • bufferSize: number

    Returns Dataset<TensorContainer>

    A Dataset.


  • Repeats this dataset count times.

    NOTE: If this dataset is a function of global state (e.g. a random number generator), then different repetitions may produce different elements.

    const a =[1, 2, 3]).repeat(3);
    await a.forEachAsync(e => console.log(e));


    • Optional count: number

    Returns Dataset<TensorContainer>

    A Dataset.


  • Pseudorandomly shuffles the elements of this dataset. This is done in a streaming manner, by sampling from a given number of prefetched elements.

    const a =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).shuffle(3);
    await a.forEachAsync(e => console.log(e));


    • bufferSize: number
    • Optional seed: string
    • Optional reshuffleEachIteration: boolean

    Returns Dataset<TensorContainer>

    A Dataset.


  • Creates a Dataset that skips count initial elements from this dataset.

    const a =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).skip(3);
    await a.forEachAsync(e => console.log(e));


    • count: number

    Returns Dataset<TensorContainer>

    A Dataset.


  • Creates a Dataset with at most count initial elements from this dataset.

    const a =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).take(3);
    await a.forEachAsync(e => console.log(e));


    • count: number

    Returns Dataset<TensorContainer>

    A Dataset.


  • Collect all elements of this dataset into an array.

    Obviously this will succeed only for small datasets that fit in memory. Useful for testing and generally should be avoided if possible.

    const a =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
    console.log(await a.toArray());

    Returns Promise<TensorContainer[]>

    A Promise for an array of elements, which will resolve when a new stream has been obtained and fully consumed.


  • Collect all elements of this dataset into an array with prefetching 100 elements. This is useful for testing, because the prefetch changes the order in which the Promises are resolved along the processing pipeline. This may help expose bugs where results are dependent on the order of Promise resolution rather than on the logical order of the stream (i.e., due to hidden mutable state).

    Returns Promise<TensorContainer[]>

    A Promise for an array of elements, which will resolve when a new stream has been obtained and fully consumed.

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