• Returns memory info at the current time in the program. The result is an object with the following properties:

    • numBytes: Number of bytes allocated (undisposed) at this time.
    • numTensors: Number of unique tensors allocated.
    • numDataBuffers: Number of unique data buffers allocated (undisposed) at this time, which is ≤ the number of tensors (e.g. a.reshape(newShape) makes a new Tensor that shares the same data buffer with a).
    • unreliable: True if the memory usage is unreliable. See reasons when unreliable is true.
    • reasons: string[], reasons why the memory is unreliable, present if unreliable is true.

    WebGL Properties:

    • numBytesInGPU: Number of bytes allocated (undisposed) in the GPU only at this time.

    Returns MemoryInfo


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