Options for loading a saved mode in TensorFlow.js format.

interface ModelAndWeightsConfig {
    modelTopology: PyJsonDict;
    pathPrefix?: string;
    weightsManifest?: WeightsManifestConfig;


modelTopology: PyJsonDict

A JSON object or JSON string containing the model config.

This can be either of the following two formats:

  • A model archiecture-only config, i.e., a format consistent with the return value ofkeras.Model.to_json().
  • A full model config, containing not only model architecture, but also training options and state, i.e., a format consistent with the return value of keras.models.save_model().
pathPrefix?: string

Path to prepend to the paths in weightManifest before fetching.

The path may optionally end in a slash ('/').

weightsManifest?: WeightsManifestConfig

A weights manifest in TensorFlow.js format.

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