Interface configuring data from webcam video stream.

interface WebcamConfig {
    centerCrop?: boolean;
    deviceId?: string;
    facingMode?: "user" | "environment";
    resizeHeight?: number;
    resizeWidth?: number;


centerCrop?: boolean

A boolean value that indicates whether to crop the video frame from center. If true, resizeWidth and resizeHeight must be specified; then an image of size [resizeWidth, resizeHeight] is taken from the center of the frame without scaling. If false, the entire image is returned (perhaps scaled to fit in [resizeWidth, resizeHeight], if those are provided).

deviceId?: string

A string used to request a specific camera. The deviceId can be obtained by calling mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().

facingMode?: "user" | "environment"

A string specifying which camera to use on device. If the value is 'user', it will use front camera. If the value is 'environment', it will use rear camera.

resizeHeight?: number

Specifies the height of the output tensor. The actual height of the HTMLVideoElement (if provided) can be different and the final image will be resized to match resizeHeight.

resizeWidth?: number

Specifies the width of the output tensor. The actual width of the HTMLVideoElement (if provided) can be different and the final image will be resized to match resizeWidth.

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